Wednesday, March 4, 2015

First Things First... Who Am I?

That's me right there! Right side, three lanes from the left.  Well, maybe not.  But you get the point.  I decided to make this blog (don't worry, I'm not selling anything!) because I have done so much in the past 10 years that I wanted a place to write down all the things I've done to make money.  I'm hoping that by doing this maybe someone else will find this and get inspired to leave the daily grind and venture into the unknown.  So this blog is going to be very choppy and jumpy because in the past 10 years I've started like 8 different businesses.  Some have worked, some have failed, and some I just gave up on because I didn't like it or I found something else to do.

About Me.

My name is Marc, I am 31 years old and I live in San Diego, California.  Ever since I could remember I was always trying to make money.  I grew up the second youngest out of eight kids with my mom raising us all while my dad worked.  I wouldn't say we were poor, but we were not rich either.  I always had the enterpenuer spirit.  I remember when I was in the 6th grade I would write letters to famous celebrities and request a signed picture, and back then most would oblige and send a kid a picture.  I would then turn around and either sell it to my buddies or trade it for pogs (and sell the pogs).  In high school, the day I turned 15 I ran to the mall and started applying for jobs because I wanted to make money.  I smoozed with the managers and eventually the local movie theater hired me.  I quickly went up the ranks and by the time I was 17 I was assistant manager of the movie theater making a salary.  I decided not to go to college because I just wanted to make money.  I jumped from job to job, industry to industry and at the age of 21 I was assistant general manager of a hotel.  I think I was the youngest one within the company.  Around that time I kept thinking how sad my life would be if I keep working for someone else.  I had a fire within me to want to do something more.  So I quit my job and decided that it was time for me to start my own business.

This blog is going to go into all of the businesses that I've started with some tips and tricks and general knowledge that I hope will help someone somewhere.

You'll need to excuse my grammer and spelling as that is not my forte!  Also, I'm not selling anything. I guess at this point I once again feel "stuck" and have an itch to start another business but can't seem to come up with one so I figured the best thing to do is to write about what I have done and hopefully be enlightend as to what I will start next!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!  This is a work in progress and I'm not really expecting anyone to read this except myself and maybe the random person who might run into this on their own quest to finding freedom from the man and the daily grind!

To Your Freedom,


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